As we all know, the price of chicken has been on the rise for quite some time now. And unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it will be going down any time soon. So, in this blog post, we are going to take a look at the current price of 1 KG chicken in Pakistan and see how it compares to previous years. Stay tuned!

1 KG Chicken Price Today 2024 In Pakistan

The average price of 1 Kg chicken in Pakistan is currently around 750 rupees, which is quite a significant increase from last year’s average rate of 250 rupees. This increase in price has been cause for concern amongst citizens, who are finding it harder to incorporate poultry into their meals due to the higher cost. For example, with prices this high, thousands of people have had to forgo their traditional Sunday feast of chicken biryani and opt for lighter alternatives instead. As the Pakistani government seeks to control inflation rates, the challenge remains in finding a way to create stability in prices of essential items like chicken without adversely affecting businesses and producers.

Meat NameChicken Meat (1Kg)
Minimum PriceRs. 750
Maximum PriceRs. 850

What is The Price of Chicken in Pakistan in 2024?

The Price of Chicken in Pakistan is projected to remain relatively stable throughout 2024. One kilogram of chicken can be purchased for a minimum price of Rs. 750 and a maximum price of Rs. 850 across the country during this period. This marks an increase from 2022, when one kilogram of chicken cost between Rs. 400 and Rs. 425 on average. The cost of chicken in Pakistan is determined by the availability and quality of local poultry, which can fluctuate depending on seasonal factors such as weather conditions. Additionally, consumer demand for chicken also affects its price, with higher demand driving up costs. For this reason, it is difficult to predict the exact cost of chicken in 2024 but it is likely to remain within a similar range of prices.

1 KG Chicken Price in Pakistan Today Rate List 2024

Today, the price of 1 kg chicken in Pakistan is significantly lower than last year. The average cost of a kilogram of chicken across major cities in Pakistan such as Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta are ranging from Rs. 430 to Rs. 450 per kg. In particular, the lowest cost was seen in Quetta, where a kilogram of chicken was priced at Rs. 430. In comparison with the price from last year, this is a considerable decrease in cost for chicken lovers across Pakistan.

What is The Chicken Rate in Punjab Pakistan?

The Chicken Rate in Punjab, Pakistan is Rs.750 per kilogram. This rate has remained unchanged for some time now despite fluctuations in the market prices of other commodities and items. The reason for this stability is due to the fact that it is mostly supplied by local farmers who produce organic chickens that are free from chemicals and medications. Furthermore, the Punjab government has set a minimum price for chicken, which keeps the rate stable even during periods of peak demand. This helps to protect consumer interests and ensure that everyone can access affordable and healthy poultry.

By keeping the Chicken Rate fixed at Rs.750 per kilogram in Punjab, Pakistan, both consumers and producers benefit from it as they get to access quality goods at an affordable price. Moreover, this stability ensures sustainability in the poultry market, making it a reliable source of income for the local farmers and other stakeholders. All in all, the Chicken Rate in Punjab is a great example of how government regulations can help keep prices stable, even in times of uncertainty.

Broiler Chicken Rate Today

The current rate of broiler chicken per kilogram is in between Rs.850 and Rs.950. The price varies from region to region and also the quality of the meat plays an important role in setting the rate.

Meat NameBroiler Chicken (1Kg)
Broiler Chicken Minimum PriceRs. 850
Broiler Chicken Maximum PriceRs. 950

The poultry industry has been facing challenges due to rising feed prices, cost of production, labor wages etc . In addition, the environmental regulations are restricting poultry farmers in expanding their farms. These factors have caused prices of broiler chicken to remain volatile in recent months.

Boneless Chicken Rate Today

Meat NameBoneless Chicken(1Kg)
Boneless Chicken Minimum PriceRs. 850
Boneless Chicken Maximum PriceRs. 980

Today, the boneless chicken rate ranges from Rs. 850 to Rs. 980 per kg. This rate may vary depending on the location and market conditions, as well as quality of meat available at the store you are buying from. As such, it is always important to compare prices before you buy to ensure you are getting a good deal for your money. In addition to price, it is also important to make sure the meat you purchase is of good quality, as this will ensure it tastes and cooks properly.

Zinda Chicken Rate Today in Pakistan

Zinda Chicken Rate in Pakistan has been on the rise for the past few months, reaching an all-time high of rs.614 per kilogram recently. This is due to several factors including an increase in demand and a decrease in supply from poultry farms. The rising cost of feed, labor costs, and other inputs have also contributed to the increase in price. Additionally, the decline in availability of chicken due to seasonal fluctuations has resulted in an overall increase in Zinda Chicken Rate.

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions: 

What is the price of Chicken in Pakistan 2024?

The price of chicken in Pakistan is expected to remain stable in 2024. In 2024, the minimum price of 1 kilogram of chicken was Rs. 750 while the maximum price was Rs. 750.

What is Chicken rate today in Pakistan?

The prices for chicken in Pakistan today vary from Rs. 750 to Rs. 850 per kg.

What is the price of chicken in Islamabad today?

The price of chicken in Islamabad today is Rs. 750 per kg. This price has remained steady over the past few months and shows no signs of changing anytime soon.


The average price of chicken in Pakistan is Rs.750 to Rs. 850 killed chicken while the dressed chicken is being sold at around Rs.650 rupees per kilogram. The live weight bird prices vary from city to another but on an average, it remains between 750 to Rs. 850 rupees.