The Aga Khan Lab Test Rate List is here to help! This list includes the price ranges for a variety of common lab tests, so you can find the best option for your budget. Plus, the Aga Khan Lab Test Rate List is updated regularly, so you can always find current rates.

The Aga Khan Lab charges list for services offered to patients is now available online. Patients can access it through the lab’s website. The list includes prices for a variety of medical tests and procedures. Officials say that the goal is to provide transparency and clarity so that patients can make informed choices about their care. 

The Aga Khan Lab charges list provides a comprehensive breakdown of all the prices for services offered by the lab. The list includes both routine and specialized tests and procedures. It also breaks down prices by categories, such as diagnostic testing or therapeutic services. 

This information is valuable for patients who need to get medical tests done. It helps them compare prices and choose the lab that offers the best value for their needs.

The Aga Khan Laboratory is a renowned lab in Pakistan for its advanced technology and techniques. This has made it one of the top laboratories to go with when you need blood or other tests done, especially since they use new technologies that compete against all others here locally! You can find out more about prices from this article on our website – just search “Aga Khan price list” where we will give information concerning every type there is available at your local hospital/clinic plus how much each might cost so far as well.

Aga Khan Lab Test Rate List 2024

Aga Khan Laboratory Test Rates 2024 are now available. Test rates may vary depending on the type of test performed, the number of tests required, and the location of the laboratory. Aga Khan offers a variety of tests, including blood tests, urine tests, and swab tests. Most tests can be performed at any Aga Khan Laboratory location. To find a laboratory near you, please visit our website or call our customer service center. Aga Khan Laboratory test rates are subject to change without notice.

Laboratory TestLab Test Price
Blood CultureRs. 1500
Stool D/R (SDRC)Rs.650 
CBC ESR PlateletsRs. 710
Liver Function TestRs.1650
Thyroid ProfileRs. 2520
Blood Urea Nitrogen Rs.600
Anti Thyroid PeroxidaseRs. 750
Anti HCVRs.2400
TSH Thyroid Stimulating HormoneRs. 1050
Hepatits B Surface AntigenRs.1300
Urine pHRs. 220
Hepatits B Surface AntibodyRs.1600
Uric AcidRs. 540
Fasting GlucoseRs. 320
Serum IronRs.850
Random GlucoseRs. 320
Glucose Tolerance Test or
 Glucose Challenge Test
Rs. 480
Lipid ProfileRs.2250
CSF GlucoseRs. 280
Abo Blood Group RH FactorRs. 560
Complete Blood CountRs.700
AutopsyRs. 11360
Large AutopsyRs. 3280
Direct Coombs TestRs.680
Water CultureRs. 320
WidalRs. 930
White Blood CountRs. 2650
Varicella-Zoster Virus AntibodyRs. 1960
Fasting InsulinRs.4000
Thalassemia by PCRRs. 26480
Free Androgen IndexRs.3400
Thalessemia PCR in BloogRs. 15130
TriglycerideRs. 480
Magnesium TestRs.1100
Dengue IgMRs. 1760
HepC ABRs.2500
Dengue Rapid NS1 AntigenRs. 1760
Vitamin B12Rs.2000
Malaria ParasiteRs. 560
RBC FolateRs.2000
Malaria AntigenRs. 1060
Fasting Glucose Rs.500
Serum Calcium Rs.650
Magnesium Rs.1100
Serum Uric AcidRs.700

How to Check Aga Khan Lab Report Online?

The website of the Aga Khan Lab offers a number of services, including regular reports on your behalf. In order to access these functions you will need sign in with an account and supply either some personal information or accept terms that allow Digital Security Systems permission for accessing cookies during browse sessions so they can keep track if browsing behavior changes from previous visits.

It is easy to check Aga Khan Lab report online. All you need is a computer with an internet connection and you can easily access the report.

This is how you can check Aga Khan Lab report online. Follow the steps carefully and you will be able to get the report without any problem.


We hope that you have found this information helpful. The Aga Khan Lab Test Price List 2024 is a valuable resource for anyone looking for accurate and up-to-date pricing information on lab tests.