As of 2024, the average price of chicken per kilo in the Philippines is estimated to be at PHP 180 to 200. This is a slight increase from the current average price of PHP 180 per kilo. Despite this increase, chicken remains a popular choice for households in the Philippines due to its affordability and availability. While there may be some fluctuations in prices over the next few years, chicken is expected to remain one of the most affordable sources of protein in the Philippines.

Chicken Price per Kilo in Philippines

Philippines was PHP 180 to 200. per kilo, but this is expected to rise to PHP 200 per kilo in 2024. The main reason for this increase is the continued strong demand for chicken from both local and international markets.

In addition, feed costs are also expected to rise slightly in 2024, which will put upward pressure on chicken prices. However, despite these increases, chicken remains a relatively affordable source of protein for Filipino consumers. Moreover, chicken consumption is expected to continue growing in the Philippines in the coming years, as the population continues to expand and incomes rise. As a result, the demand for chicken is likely to remain strong, which will keep prices relatively high. 

Chicken Rate in Philippines 2024

As of July 2020, the average price of chicken in the Philippines was PHP 180.47 per kilogram. In the coming year, we can expect the price of chicken to remain stable or even slightly increase due to the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the poultry industry. However, by 2024, we should see prices return to normal as the industry recovers. In the meantime, be sure to check the prices at your local grocery store or wet market before buying chicken.

Chicken Per kilo Rate
Chicken 1 KG Rate in PHP180 PHP
Chicken 1 KG Rate in EUR3.209 EUR
Chicken 1 KG Rate in USD3.490 USD

Chicken Meat Price Philippines 2024

A kilo of chicken meat in the Philippines costs 180 PHP in 2024. In dollar terms, it will cost 3.490 USD, and in euros, it will cost 3.209. The price of chicken is expected to rise slightly in the next year due to inflation. Nevertheless, chicken remains a affordable source of protein for many Filipinos.

The chicken industry in the Philippines is forecast to grow at a moderate pace over the next few years. Poultry production is expected to reach 1.36 million metric tons by 2024, up from 1.22 million metric tons in 2018. The main drivers of growth will be population expansion and rising per capita consumption. However, challenges such as bird flu outbreaks and import restrictions could hinder the industry’s development.

The Philippines is one of the top 10 chicken producers in the world, with a production volume of 1.2 million metric tons in 2018. The country is also a major chicken exporter, with sales of over $600 million in 2017. The vast majority of chicken produced in the Philippines is used for meat, with only a small portion going towards egg production. The chicken industry employs around 1.5 million people, making it an important source of employment in the country.

The Philippines has a number of advantages that make it well-suited to chicken production. These include a warm climate, ample supplies of feed, and a large market for chicken meat. In addition, the Philippines has a well-developed infrastructure for poultry production, with a number of hatcheries, feed mills, and processing plants. However, the industry faces several challenges that could hinder its growth in the future.

One challenge facing the chicken industry is bird flu. The Philippines has experienced several outbreaks of bird flu in recent years, which have caused significant economic losses. In addition, the government has placed restrictions on chicken imports in an effort to protect the domestic industry. These import restrictions could make it difficult for the industry to access new markets and expand its customer base.

Another challenge facing the chicken industry is competition from other meats. In particular, pork and beef are competing for market share in the Philippines. As a result, chicken producers will need to find ways to differentiate their products and make them more appealing to consumers. One way to do this is to focus on niche markets, such as organic or free-range chicken.

Despite the challenges, the chicken industry in the Philippines is expected to continue growing at a moderate pace over the next few years. Population expansion and rising per capita consumption will drive demand for chicken meat, while the development of new markets and improved production techniques will help the industry to overcome some of its challenges. In addition, the government’s commitment to protecting the domestic industry from imports should provide some support for the industry’s growth. As a result, the chicken industry is expected to play an important role in the country’s economy in the future.


The future of the chicken industry in the Philippines is looking bright. With more people becoming interested in poultry farming, and with advances in technology, the price of chicken is expected to drop even further by 2024. This will make chicken more affordable for consumers, and will also benefit farmers and processors. So if you’re looking to get into the poultry business or are just curious about where prices are headed, keep an eye on the Filipino chicken market  it’s sure to be booming in the next few years!