Pony Town is a popular online game that allows you to create your own cute and colorful pony character. However, for various reasons, you may feel like it’s time to say goodbye and delete your account. Don’t worry deleting your Pony Town account is straightforward and can be done with just a few clicks. In this article, we’ll cover all the steps involved in deleting your account, and we’ll provide some practical tips to ensure that you don’t lose any important data or subscriptions. Whether you’re concerned about online privacy or just ready to move on to something new, we’ve got you covered! So, let’s dive into the world of Pony Town and learn how to delete your account quickly and easily.

Before You Begin

Before you go ahead and delete your account, there are a few things to keep in mind:

With that being said, let’s get started on deleting your Pony Town account!

Deleting Your Pony Town Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Protect Your Data

Before saying goodbye to your Pony Town account, make sure to back up any important data. This includes your pony character and in-game progress. Here’s how to do it:

Step 2: Cancel Subscriptions or Purchases

To avoid any unwanted charges, it’s crucial to cancel any subscriptions or in-game purchases before deleting your account. Here’s how:

This simple step ensures that you won’t be billed for services you no longer use after deleting your account.

Step 3: Get Support (if needed)

If you encounter any issues or need assistance, reach out to Pony Town support for help. They may be able to resolve your problems before you make the decision to delete your account. Follow these steps to contact them:

Step 4: Delete Your Account

Now that you’ve taken the necessary precautions, you’re ready to delete your Pony Town account. Here’s how:

Please be aware that account deletion is permanent and cannot be reversed. If you have multiple Pony Town accounts, repeat these steps for each account you wish to delete. And remember, if you change your mind in the future, starting anew means losing all previous data.

Follow these simple steps to bid farewell to your Pony Town account and move on to new adventures.

Consider Creating a New Account

If you change your mind in the future and want to start playing Pony Town again, you will need to create a new account. Keep this in mind before deleting your current account.

We hope this guide has helped you successfully delete your Pony Town account. Remember, once it is deleted, it cannot be recovered. If you have any further questions or concerns, please refer to the Pony Town website for more information. (EN) Continue playing and creating new pony characters in the virtual world of Pony Town! Don’t forget to follow the community guidelines and have fun interacting with other players. Who knows, maybe you’ll even discover some new tips and tricks for creating the perfect pony. Additionally, consider checking out other online games if you’re looking for a new virtual world to explore.

Why Delete Your Account?

As mentioned earlier, there could be various reasons why someone may choose to delete their Pony Town account. Some common reasons may include:

What happens when you delete your Pony Town account?

When you delete your Pony Town account, all of your data will be permanently deleted. This includes your avatar, characters, and any in-game progress or purchases made. Your account will no longer exist and you will not be able to log back into it.

Can you recover a deleted Pony Town account?

Unfortunately, once you delete your Pony Town account, it cannot be recovered. This is why it’s important to think carefully before going through with the deletion process.

What Happens After Deletion?

Once your account is deleted, you will no longer have access to it and all of your pony creations, items, and progress will be lost. You will also not be able to log in with the same email address or username again.

Additional Tips


In conclusion, deleting your Pony Town account is a simple process. All you need to do is open the menu, go to “Settings”, scroll down and hit “Delete Account”. Although it can be hard to say goodbye to this virtual world, sometimes it is the best decision. Remember that although you have deleted your Pony Town account, you will always have good memories of the friends you made in the game and the fun times you had.

To make sure these memories stay close in your heart even if they are gone from the screen, why not take some time to write down some of them? As Pony Town still continues to expand with great updates and features, maybe sometime in the future you will decide that it is time to join back on board! Until then, thank you for supporting this excellent game project!