Karachi is a city that never sleeps and has a vibrant energy that can be felt all around. Even in the wee hours of the morning, the city is alive with people offering their Tahajjud prayers. This special time for Nafl prayers starts at 09:54 PM and carries on until 04:11 AM.

However, the day doesn’t start for the residents of Karachi until they have offered their Ishraq prayers, which have a starting time of 07:31 AM until 09:55 AM. The Chasht prayer, which takes place after the morning rush, starts at 09:10 AM and goes until 11:55 AM.

Lastly, the Awwabin time is a special time in the evening from 06:09 PM to 07:00 PM where Muslims offer additional Nafl prayers. For the residents of Karachi, these prayer times are an integral part of their day and offer a sense of peace and connection with their faith.

Ishraq Time Today In Karachi

Nafl TimeStart TimeEnd Time
Ishraq Time07:31 AM09:55 AM

As the sun rises in the city of Karachi, a special time of the day known as Ishraq begins. This is a time of spiritual significance for Muslims, representing the first few hours after sunrise and the moment when the sun’s rays illuminate the world. During this time, many devotees take a moment to pause, reflect, and offer gratitude to the divine for the blessings of a new day.

For those in Karachi, Ishraq Time today begins at 7:31 AM and ends at 9:55 AM. As the hustle and bustle of the day ramps up, taking a moment to observe Ishraq can bring a sense of peace and serenity to the soul.

Today Karachi Nafl Prayer Timings

Nawafil PrayerStart TimeEnd Time
Tahajjud Time08:15 PM05:50 AM
Ishraq Time07:31 AM09:55 AM
Chasht Time09:55 AM11:55 AM
Awwabin Time06:09 PM07:00 PM

Today in Karachi, Pakistan, it is 1445 (Islamic Date) 1 jan 2024 and the Tahajjud prayer time starts at 08:15 PM and ends at 5:50 AM. This page provides the latest updates on Ishraq time, Chasht time, Awwabin nafl prayer time, and Tahajjud time in Karachi.

Tahajjud, a special nighttime prayer in Islam, is voluntary but highly recommended. The best time to read Tahjud is between midnight, preferably in the last third of the night. For those looking to incorporate Tahajjud into their daily schedule as a form of worship to seek Allah’s forgiveness and redemption, this page provides the prayer timings.

The timings provided are based on the calculation methods used by Islamic scholars. While some prefer to use the local sunrise and sunset times, others take into consideration other factors such as astronomical twilight or the position of the sun in relation to a certain city. All calculations are done according to reliable sources and verified for accuracy.

Tahajjud Time In Karachi

Today in Karachi, Tahajjud Time starts at 08:15 PM PM and ends at 5:50 AM. It is recommended to sleep after midnight, awaken to offer the Tahajjud prayer, and then go back to sleep until Fajr time. Tahajjud prayer is offered for approximately 20 minutes before Fajr. Muslims in Karachi should make sure to perform the Tahajjud prayer during this time, as it is an important part of their daily Sunnah.

Ishraq Time In Karachi

Ishraq Time in Karachi today starts at 07:31 AM and ends at 09:55 AM. During this time, the sun is just beginning to rise and one should not pray in Ishraq after Fajr and before the sun rises. Zawal, the time between Fajr and sunrise, falls within this time frame and is therefore discouraged. The presence of the sun, even if it is only slightly, marks the start of Ishraq Time.

Awwabin Time In Karachi

In Karachi, Awwabin Time begins at 06:09 PM and ends at 07: 00 PM. Salat al-Awwabin is a special prayer prayed after Maghrib. According to a hadith, Salat al-Awwabin refers to Salat al-Duha, also known as the pre-noon prayer. This prayer is important for spiritual growth and reflection.

Chasht Time In Karachi

In Karachi, Chasht Time begins at 09:55 AM and ends at 11:55 AM. During this time, the sun is slowly rising, and eventually reaches the center of the sky. The start of Chasht Time is marked when a quarter of the sun is visible, while it ends when the entire sun is in view.

The four prayers of Ishraq, Tahajjud, Chasht, and Awwabin are all highly significant in Islam. Ishraq is offered after sunrise and helps to bring peace and serenity to one’s life. Tahajjud is an optional prayer that is offered at night and is said to have special benefits for those who take the time to recite the verses.

Chasht is an important prayer that is performed when the sun has just risen and is meant to help strengthen one’s faith. Finally, Awwabin Nafl prayer is a powerful prayer that is said at the end of the day to help make one’s day go more smoothly. All four of these prayers are essential parts of the Muslim faith and have great importance in the lives of those who follow it in the city of Karachi and beyond.

No matter what faith one follows, prayer can be an important part of any person’s spiritual practice. Praying helps develop a sense of peace and gratitude that can carry over into other parts of life. People in Karachi are no different; the prayers offered offer many benefits to individuals who take the time to participate in them.

The importance of these prayers cannot be overstated, as they are deeply meaningful for those who practice them and can bring great comfort in difficult times. Praying regularly can also help to cultivate a sense of connection with the divine that can be both calming and empowering. By taking part in these prayers on a regular basis, it is possible to experience the full potential of one’s faith.


Today, we have explored the importance of prayer during Ramadan and the four special prayers that occur throughout the day. Karachi Ishraq, Tahajjud, Chasht, and Awwabin are all important components to a proper observance of this holy month for Muslims around the world.

Although today’s specified times for these prayers may be different from past years, we still know that it is only through our one on one relationship with Allah that we can reap the full rewards of each prayer and grow in holiness and piety. I encourage each and every one of us to take advantage of this opportunity to call upon Allah during this blessed month and make sure to adhere to the correct times committed in Ramadan so that all who pray can experience His immense mercy.