Literacy rate of Pakistan in 2022-23 is increasing day by day in some areas. Percentage of literacy rate is 58 to 70. By some reforms of Government of Pakistan level of ignorance is decreasing day by day. Pakistani government is taking serious steps for the betterment of education sector. Government of Pakistan controlled major problems of education. Nowadays government is providing quality education in remote areas. Government of Pakistan is focusing on quality education in remote areas. Currently 22 million students are enrolled in schools.

Literacy rate of Pakistan

It means that our literacy rate is increasing day by day. Literacy rate of men in Pakistan is 72.5 %. Literacy rate of women e Pakistan is 51.8%. The percentage of women literacy rate increased up to 10% in previous three years.

Literacy rate is counted each year but unfortunately it was not counted in 2022. So results are available till 2021. They figure out the exact percentage of literacy rate so we can easily estimate the struggle of Pakistani government. Nowadays Pakistani government is focusing on the quality of education. It means that it will increase our literacy rates.

Pakitsani government took great steps for the betterment of people. But literacy rate of Pakistan is increasing day by day but it is low as compared to other countries. Our literacy rate is very bad at international level. It will damage our economy.

Ratio of literacy in Pakistan 2024:

According to the survey of 2022-23 literacy rate of Pakistan is up to 59.13 percent. Which is at changeless point. Primary level give rise in literacy rate from 53% to 57%. While women literacy give rise in literacy rate from 54% to 57%. Ratio of male literacy is increased in last three years. Here is figure of total admissions at different levels. 22650000 admissions at primary level while 2884400 admissions at secondary level. 194900 admissions at college level.

Details of Expenses on education sector:

The amount spent on our educational sector is 7% of the total GDP of Pakistan. Position of Pakistan is 150th out of 189 countries. This report was generated by Human Development Board. The human development indicator is 0.562 worth during 2022. In 2022 government of Pakistan increase 5.7% in total budget of education sector.

The information we are providing you is the total information about Pakistan. Admissions in 2020 and 2021 are reduced as compared to other years. Its because of Covid-19 financial crisis. Many teachers left the schools and colleges.

Ratio of education in each province of Pakistan:

First of all We will discuss about the Punjab. Ratio of admission at primary level is 67.7%. Now we will discuss about Khyber Paktunkhawa. Ratio of admission at primary level is 55.3%. while in Sindh ratio of admission at primary level is 62. 2%. In Balochistan province ratio of admission at primary level is 55.5%.
The whole information is based upon the financial analysis for the year 2022. And this information is published on the official website of government of Pakistan.

This information tells the reality of progress in Pakistan. Pakistani can check the progress of government. People should also aware about the progress of Pakistan. It is very simple If you increase the expenses of education then you will get quality education. Definitely literacy rate of Pakistan will be high. Our literacy rate increases 2.7% as compared to 2018. Literacy rate of all provinces of Pakistan is available on the official website of ministry of Education Pakistan.

It is considered as ordinary literacy rate of Pakistan because we spend less budget on education sector. Because our priorities are not education sector but other sector. Literacy rate of some big citiesis high as compared to rural areas. Literacy rate of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi is high while small cities has low literacy rate. But in past people thought that getting education is against our religion. That is why in some remote areas women are unable to get education. This is the biggest reason of low literacy rate. Some people have extreme views about education that is why we have low literacy rate. But now adays People are getting education and our literacy rate is increasing day by day.

In some tribal places literacy rate is too much low. Minimum literacy rate in tribal areas is up to 9%. Because in tribal areas parents do not give permission to women for attending the school. Some parents do not allow women to get education while boys are preferred for quality education. But if you want to grow yourself then getting education is compulsory for you. If you want to get good job and you want to develop yourself then getting education is necessary for you. Education is the basic right of mail and female.

Literacy rate of Pakistan can be increased if we allow women to get education then might be possible it will be increased. Currently we are standing at 113th position in the total countries of 120. It is very dishonor for us that we have low literacy rate. As you know that roundabout half people in Pakistan are an educated. So it can create problem for us in upcoming years. In other words we can say there poverty and political interference is the basic reason in the reduction of literacy rate.

As you know that education is necessary for everyone. Literacy is also necessary for spending normal life. About 781 million people in world are unable to read and write. You can see that Pakistan has great contribution in the world of low literacy.

Why our literacy rate is low:


In this article I discussed about literacy rate of Pakistan in simple language. I covered different topics about literacy rate of Pakistan. I also discuss about the reasons of low literacy rate. I also discussed about our priorities in education sector. If you feel any problem while reading this article then ask question in comment box and our team will solve your problem.