Great news for motorists and commuters in Pakistan as the caretaker Government has announced a significant drop in petrol prices starting today until the end of the month. The latest announcement reveals that both petrol and high-speed diesel prices have been reduced, with petrol prices experiencing a massive slash of Rs. 40.00 per litre and high-speed diesel dropping by Rs. 15.00 per litre. This means the new petrol price in Pakistan is now at Rs. 283.38 per litre, while high-speed diesel is now available at Rs. 303.18 per litre. Motorists and other road users alike can enjoy this temporary price reduction and make the most of the extra savings.

Petrol Prices in Pakistan From 16 October 2023

High Speed Diesel (HSD)318.18303.18-15.00

Petrol Rates in Pakistan From 16 October 2023

According to the recent announcement, the petrol prices in Pakistan have been reduced by Rs.40.00 per litre and the price of High-Speed Diesel (HSD) has been slashed by Rs.15.00 per litre, effective from 16 October 2023. This brings the new petrol price at Rs.238.38 per litre and the cost of High-Speed Diesel (HSD) at Rs.303.18 per litre.

New Prices in Effect

The latest diesel and petrol prices in Pakistan will become effective from today, 16 October 2023 for the first half of the month. This decision was made based on the decreasing trend of petroleum prices in the international market and the appreciation of Pak Rupee against US$. The Finance Division has stated in their notification, “the government has decided to revise the existing consumer prices of petroleum products.”

Notification by OGRA

The official notification released by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) can be found below:

Previous Predictions

Earlier reports had suggested that the petrol price may be reduced by Rs.40 per litre and High-Speed Diesel (HSD) may see a decrease of Rs.18 per litre. In the last fortnight review, the interim Federal Government had already reduced the petrol price by Rs.8 per litre and High-Speed Diesel (HSD) by Rs.11 per litre, bringing the prices to Rs.323.38 per litre and 318.18 per litre respectively.

Factors Affecting Petrol Prices in Pakistan

Petrol prices have been a major concern for the citizens of Pakistan due to their continuous fluctuations. The price of petrol not only affects individual car owners, but also has a direct impact on public transportation fares, food prices and other essential commodities.

In this document, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the increase or decrease of petrol prices in Pakistan.

1. Global Crude Oil Prices

Pakistan is a net importer of crude oil, meaning it has to import a significant portion of its petroleum needs from other countries. The global crude oil prices have a major impact on the cost of imported petrol in Pakistan. Any increase or decrease in the international market will directly affect the final price of petrol in Pakistan.

2. Currency Exchange Rate

The value of Pakistani rupee against the US dollar also plays a crucial role in petrol prices. Since crude oil is purchased and traded in US dollars, any change in the exchange rate can result in an increase or decrease in the final price of petrol for consumers.

3. Government Taxes and Duties

The Government of Pakistan also imposes taxes and duties on the import, production and sale of petrol. These taxes and duties can vary depending on the economic situation of the country and can significantly impact the final price of petrol for consumers.

4. Transportation Costs

Petrol has to be transported from ports to different cities in Pakistan before it reaches consumers. The cost of transportation, including fuel and toll taxes, can also contribute to the final price of petrol in Pakistan.

5. Refinery Capacity

Pakistan has a limited capacity for refining crude oil into petroleum products. Any disruptions or maintenance work at refineries can result in a decrease in supply, leading to an increase in petrol prices.

6. Demand and Supply

The basic rule of economics, demand and supply, also applies to the prices of petrol in Pakistan. An increase in demand for petrol due to various factors such as an increase in car ownership or a decrease in public transportation options can lead to an increase in petrol prices.

7. Political Stability

Political instability can also have a significant impact on petrol prices in Pakistan. Any disruptions in the supply chain, such as protests or strikes, can result in a decrease in supply and an increase in petrol prices.

8. Seasonal Demand

There is a seasonal variation in the demand for petrol in Pakistan, with high demand during peak traveling seasons such as Eid holidays and summer vacations. This increase in demand can also lead to an increase in petrol prices.

Overall, a combination of global, economic, and political factors contribute to the fluctuation of petrol prices in Pakistan. It is essential for the government to closely monitor these factors and take necessary measures to stabilize petrol prices for the benefit of the citizens. Additionally, promoting alternative energy sources can also help reduce dependency on imported petrol and provide more stable pricing options for consumers.


To wrap up, while the price of petrol has decreased and stabilized from 16 October onwards in Pakistan, its citizens must still be aware of the local oil prices before making any decisions. The sharp decrease in prices is a great relief for many of us, but it is essential to remember that rising or fluctuating prices might take place at any given moment.

Therefore, those who are concerned about cost-effective and affordable fuel should keep an eye out for the shifting rates so they can use the resources available to them judiciously and make educated decisions. In doing so, we can help ensure that petrol consumption remains feasible for our households and businesses into the future. Don’t forget to visit a forum dedicated solely to helping individuals compare petrol prices in their area for all your oil-related needs!