The practice of offering nawafil, or voluntary prayers, is an important aspect of Islamic worship. Among these are the Ishraq, Tahajjud, Chasht, and Awwabin prayers. The times for these prayers vary throughout the day, providing believers with ample opportunities for additional devotion and supplication to Allah. The Tahajjud prayer begins late in the evening, offering a chance for reflection and introspection before the day ends.

The Ishraq prayer is offered during the early morning hours, providing a fresh start to the day and a chance to seek blessings from the Almighty.

Chasht prayer is observed in the late morning, giving devotees an opportunity to break from their daily routine and devote themselves entirely to worship. Lastly, the Awwabin prayer, held in the evening, is a prayer of forgiveness and a chance to seek Allah’s mercy. These nawafil prayers offer a chance for additional religious fulfillment and bring people closer to Allah.

Ishraq Namaz Time in Rawalpindi Today

Ishraq Namaz Time in RawalpindiStart TimeEnd Time
Ishraq Time07:27 AM09:41 AM

Rawalpindi is a vibrant city that is steeped in history and tradition. For those who practice the Islamic faith, one of the most important rituals is attending Namaz, and the Ishraq Namaz Time in Rawalpindi is a particularly sacred and meaningful moment of the day.

The Today Ishraq Namaz Time begins at 5:46 AM and lasts until 8:51 AM, offering a window of time for those who wish to honor their faith to come together and offer their prayers.

This time allows for a sense of reflection and quiet contemplation, and is an opportunity for worshippers to connect with their community while reaffirming their commitment to their beliefs. In Rawalpindi, the Ishraq Namaz Time is cherished and respected, and is considered a time of great significance and power.

Today Rawalpindi Nawafil Prayer Timings

Nawafil PrayerStart TimeEnd Time
Tahajjud Time07:39 PM05:38 AM
Ishraq Time07:27 AM09:41 AM
Chasht Time09:41 AM11:31 AM
Awwabin Time05:25 PM06:24 PM

Ishraq, Tahajjud, Chasht, and Awwabin Nafl Prayer are all voluntary prayers that Muslims around the world offer in addition to their obligatory daily prayers. Ishraq is typically performed shortly after sunrise, and Tahajjud is usually offered late at night.

Chasht is usually prayed just before noon, and Awwabin Nafl is generally offered at dawn. All of these prayers are intended to bring greater spiritual rewards and deeper understanding of God. Additionally, they can help Muslims to stay focused and disciplined in their daily lives.

What is Chasht time in Rawalpindi?

Chasht time in Rawalpindi is the fourth prayer of the day, and it falls between 09:41 AM and 11:31 AM today. This prayer is part of the Islamic ritual of prayer and remembrance which is observed by Muslims around the world. During chasht time, Muslims in Rawalpindi gather for prayer, reflection, and contemplation. Worshippers typically recite prayers from a prescribed prayer book, called a masjid, and then perform their own individual prayers. Chasht time is an important part of the Islamic faith and serves as an opportunity for Muslims to re-connect with their faith.

What is Tahajjud Time in Rawalpindi?

Tahajjud time in Rawalpindi begins at 07:39 PM and ends at 05:38 AM. This type of prayer is said after Isha, when a person wakes up from their sleep.

What is Ishraq time in Rawalpindi?

Ishraq time in Rawalpindi today starts at 07:27 AM and ends at 09:41 AM. It is a time for prayer and contemplation and is an important part of the Islamic faith. During this time, Muslims around the world can take part in special prayers and other acts of devotion.

What is Awwabin time in Rawalpindi?

In Rawalpindi, Awwabin time starts at 05:25 PM  and ends at 06:24 PM. During this time, it is important to take part in special rituals and prayers. During Awwabin time, people are expected to be quiet and respectful, to reflect and gather their thoughts. It is a time for contemplation and to contemplate the day ahead.

What Nafl prayer after fajr?

Ishraq prayer is performed after the Fajr prayer and approximately 15 minutes after sunrise.

Tahajjud Time: The best time to pray Tahajjud is towards the end of the night after waking up from sleep. However, if one is not able to wake up for the Tahajjud, then they should perform Nafl Salah before going to bed.

Ishraq Time: Salat al-Ishraq should be performed in the period of time between 15 minutes after sunrise and midday. It is best to perform Salat al-Ishraq as early in this time period as possible.

Dhuha (Chast) Time: Similarly, Salat al-Dhuha should be performed between 15 minutes after sunrise and midday. However, according to a narration of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, the best time to perform Salat al-Dhuha is after one-fourth of the day has elapsed.

Awwabin Time: Salat al-Awwabin should be performed after Maghrib Salah has been completed. It is best to perform Salat al-Awwabin with two Rak’ats, three Rak’ats, or four Rak’ats.

Qiyamul Layl Time: The best time to perform Salat al-Qiyamul Layl is in the last third of the night. This period starts after midnight and ends just before Fajr Salah time.

It is best to avoid performing Salat al-Qiyamul Layl in the first two thirds of the night, as this is when sleep should be taken.


Prayer is an essential part of being a Muslim and the performance of five daily nafl prayers at their designated times is a beautiful part of this sacred practice. Today we explored Ishraq,Tahajjud, Chasht & Awwabin and better understood the beauty of these prayers in our Islamic faith.

All praised be to Allah for allowing us the opportunity to connect with him through prayer and for blessing us with knowledge on how we can do it most effectively. As Muslims, we should strive to maintain our focus on Him throughout every moment by taking time for these nafl prayers. May Allah reward us all for our sincere efforts and answer our requests!